Economic Models and Tools

MSG2 An early macroeconomic model of the world economy with rational expectations in the foreign exchange market developed by Warwick McKibbin and Jeffrey Sachs in two stages. Read more...
MSG3 The MSG3 model replaced the MSG2 model. It is very similar in sectoral and country coverage to the MSG2 model but includes many of the features of the G-Cubed model. Read more...
G-Cubed Developed by Warwick McKibbin and Peter Wilcoxen, the G-Cubed model focuses on global environmental policies and international trade. Read more...
(Asia Pacific)
A multi-country model based on the theoretical approach taken in the G-Cubed model but with a specific focus on a country and sectoral dis-aggregation relevant for the Asia Pacific 
Developed as an extension of the multi-country, multi-sector intertemporal general equilibrium G-Cubed model, the model uses detailed agricultural sectors and a country dis-aggregation relevant for key US agricultural markets.  
Algorithms DYNAGAME, FAIR-TAYLOR and cellVision algorithms can be used to solve a range of rational expectation models and for the presentation of results. Read more...