All Research

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Topic Region Year Model Title
Scenarios Global 2023 < McKibbin, W., and Vines, D. (2023) "Longer-Term Structural Transitions and Short-Term Macroeconomic Adjustment: Quantitative Implications For The Global Financial System”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 9 pp245-266
Climate Change Global 2022 GCubed Bertram C. Boirard A., Edmonds J., Fernando R., Gayle D., Hurst I., Liu W., McKibbin W., Payerols C., Richters O., Schets E., (2022) “Running the NGFS Scenarios in G-Cubed: A Tale of Two Modelling Frameworks”, NGFS Occasional Paper, Banque de France.
Climate Change Global 2021 Jaumotte, F., Liu, W. & McKibbin, W. J. (2021). "Mitigating Climate Change: Growth-friendly Policies to Achieve Net Zero Emissions by 2050". IMF Working paper wp2021195. Washington DC. CAMA Paper 75/2021
Climate Change Global 2021 Fernando R., Liu W. and W. McKibbin (2021) “Global Economic Impacts of Climate Shocks, Climate Policy and Changes in Climate Risk Assessment” Brookings Climate and Energy Economics Discussion Paper, March 31, 2021
Climate Change Global 2020 McKibbin W. J., Morris, A., Wilcoxen P. J. and A Panton (2020) “Climate change and monetary policy: Issues for policy design and modeling” Oxford Review of Economic Policy vol 36, issue 3 pp 579–603
Trade & Finance Global 2021 GCubed Triggs A and W. McKibbin (2021), “Global Implications of a US-led currency war” The World Economy pp1-25.
Pandemics Global 2021 McKibbin W. and R. Fernando (2020) "Macroeconomic Policy Adjustments due to COVID19: Scenarios to 2025 with a focus on Asia",CAMA Working Paper 17/2021
Pandemics Global 2020 McKibbin W. and R. Fernando (2020) “Global Macroeconomic Scenarios of the COVID-19 Pandemic” COVID Economics: Vetted and Real Time papers, vol X. Centre for Economic Policy Research, London. Issue 39, pp 1-58
Pandemics Global 2020 McKibbin, W., and Vines, D. (2020) "Global Macroeconomic Cooperation in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Roadmap for the G20 and the IMF” Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 36 (Supplement)
Climate Change Global 2020 McKibbin W. and others (2020) "Efficient,Effectve and Fair Climate Policy: A Discussion Paper" Academy of Social sciences Discussion Paper
Climate Change Global 2020 GCubed McKibbin W. and others (2020) “Mitigating Climate Change", Chapter 3 in World Economic Outlook, International Monetary Fund, October
Demographics Global 2020 GCubed Liu, W., and W.J. McKibbin (2020) “Global Macroeconomic Impacts of Demographic Change” CAMA Working Paper 21/2020
Demographics Global 2020 GCubed Liu, W., and W.J. McKibbin (2020) “Macroeconomic Impacts of Global Demographic Change on Australia” CAMA Working Paper 22/2020
Growth Global 2020 GCubed McKibbin W. and A. Triggs (2020) “Stagnation vs Singularity: The Global Implications of Alternative Productivity Growth Scenarios” in Kim H-W and Qureshi Z (eds) (2020) “Growth in a time of change – Global and country perspectives on a new agenda”. Brookings Institution Press pp75-128
Pandemics Global 2020 GCubed McKibbin W. and R. Fernando (2020) “The Global Macroeconomic Impacts of COVID-19: Seven Scenarios”,March, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC
Pandemics Global 2020 GCubed McKibbin W. and R. Fernando (2020) “The Economic Impact of COVID-19" in Baldwin R. and B. Weber Di Mauro (2020) Economics in the Time of COVID-19 , CEPR Vox-EU. London
Korean Unification Korea 2019 GCubed Lee J.W, and W.J. McKibbin (2019) "Korean Unification: Economic Adjustments Under German Assumptions" Asian Economic Policy Review 14, pp 1-20.
Climate Change Global 2019 GCubed Liu, W., McKibbin, W.J., Morris, A. and P.J. Wilcoxen (2019) “Global Economic and Environmental Outcomes of the Paris Agreement” Brookings Climate and Energy Economics Discussion Paper, January 7, 2019 and CAMA working paper 4/2019.
Demographics Global 2019 Liu W. and W. McKibbin (2019) “Global Demographic Change and international capital flows” in D. Bloom (2019) “Live Long and Prosper? The Economics of Ageing Populations” A eBook. pp 61-68.
Korean Unification Korea 2018 GCubed McKibbin W.J., Lee, J.W., Liu, W. and C.J. Song (2018) “Modeling the Economic Impacts of Korean Unification” Asian Economic Journal, Vol 32, issue 3, pp227-256.
Modeling Methodology Global 2018 GCubed McKibbin W.J. and A. Triggs (2018) “Modeling the G20” CAMA working paper 17/2018 Australian National University.
Monetary Policy Australia 2018 McKibbin W.J. and A. Panton (2018)"25 Years of Inflation Targeting in Australia: Are There Better Alternatives for the next 25 Years", CAMA working paper 17/2018
Monetary Policy Australia 2018 McKibbin W.J. and A. Panton (2018)"25 Years of Inflation Targeting in Australia: Are There Better Alternatives for the next 25 Years", in Simon, J. and M Sutton (2018)(ed) “Central Bank Frameworks: Evolution or Revolution?” Reserve Bank of Australia Conference Volume. pp 173-198
Korean Unification Korea 2018 Lee, J.W., McKibbin W.J. and M. Noland (2018) “Prospects and Economic Impacts of Korean Unification: An Introduction” Asian Economic Journal, Vol 32, issue 3, p221-225
Growth Asia Pacific 2018 GCubed Lee JW. and W. McKibbin (2018) “Service Sector Productivity and Economic Growth in Asia”, Economic Modeling vol 74, pp 247-263.
Climate Change Global 2018 GCubed McKibbin W. J., Morris, A., Wilcoxen P. J. and L. Liu (2018) “The Role of Border Adjustments in a US Carbon Tax”, Climate Change Economics vol 9, no 1, pp 1-42.
Growth Asia Pacific 2018 GCubed Kim, S., Lee, JW. and W. McKibbin (2018) "Asia’s Rebalancing and Growth" The World Economy 1, 2018
Modeling Methodology 2018 GCubed McKibbin W. and A. Stoeckel (2018)“Modeling a Complex World: Improving Macro Models” Oxford Review of Economic Policy vol. 34 nos. 1-2, 2018, pp 329-347.
Monetary Policy Global 2017 GCubed McKibbin W. J., Morris, A., Wilcoxen P. J. and A Panton (2017)“Climate change and monetary policy: Dealing with disruption”, Brookings Discussion Paper in Climate and Energy Economics, December. CAMA Working Paper 77/2017, Australian National University
Economic Policy USA 2017 GCubed McKibbin W. and A. Stoeckel (2017) “Some Global Effects of President Trump’s Economic Program” August, CAMA working paper 53/2017. Australian National University
Technology USA 2017 Kavuri A. and W. McKibbin (2017) “Technology and Leisure: Macroeconomic Implications” CAMA Working paper 43/2017, Australian National University
Cimate CHange Global 2017 McKibbin W. J., Morris, A., Wilcoxen P. J. and L. Liu (2017) “The Role of Border Adjustments in a US Carbon Tax”, Brookings Discussion Paper in Climate and Energy Economics, May 31. CAMA Working Paper 39/2017, Australian National University
Economic Policy Australia 2017 McKibbin W. (2017) “Economic Management” Chapter 9 of Frame T. (2017) ‘The Ascent to Power: The Howard Government, Volume 1: 1996’ UNSW Press
Economic Policy Global 2017 Henckel T. and W. McKibbin (2017) “The Economics of Infrastructure in a Globalized World: Issues, Lessons and Future Challenges” Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development
Economic Policy Global 2017 McKibbin W. (2017) “What Trump Means for the Global Economy” in Wesley M. (editor) (2017) “The Trump Administration’s First 100 Days: What Should Asia Do?” ANU Press. pp. 30-31.
Climate Change Australia 2016 McKibbin W. (2016) “Comment on ‘Climate change policy and energy transition’ by Brian Fisher”. Australia Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Vol 60 pp706-707
Monetary Policy Australia 2016 McKibbin W. (2016) “Macro Prudential Policy in an Australian Context” Australian Economic Review, volume 49, no 1, pp86-88.
Climate Change Global 2015 McKibbin W. J., Morris, A., and Wilcoxen P. J. (2015) “Pricing Carbon” in COP21 in Paris: What to Expect – The Issues, the actors, and the road ahead on climate change. pp 14-18. The Brookings Institution, Washington DC
Climate Change Global 2015 McKibbin W. and Liu Weifeng (2015) “China: Ambitious Targets and Policies” in COP21 in Paris: What to Expect – The Issues, the actors, and the road ahead on climate change. pp 48-52. The Brookings Institution, Washington DC
Climate Change Global 2015 GCubed McKibbin W. (2015) “Report 1: 2015 Economic Modelling of International Action Under a new Global Climate Change Agreement”, Report to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 20 August 2015
Climate Change Global 2015 GCubed McKibbin W. (2015) “Report 2: Economic Modelling of Australian Action Under a new Climate Agreement”, Report to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 20 August 2015.
Climate Change Global 2015 Cai, Y and W McKibbin (2015) “Uncertainty and International Climate Change Negotiations” Italian Economic Journal, vol 1, no 1, March, Springer
Fiscal Policy Global 2014 McKibbin W.J. (2014) “Global Fiscal Adjustment” Perspectives from Around the World number 045, Research Institute of Economic Trade and Industry, IAA, Tokyo Japan.
Climate Change Global 2014 McKibbin W. J., Morris, A., and Wilcoxen P. J. (2014) “A Proposal for Integrating price Mechanisms into International Climate Change Negotiations” Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, Vol 1, no 3, p600-608.
Fiscal Policy Global 2014 McKibbin W, Stoeckel A, and Lu Y (2014), "Global Fiscal Adjustment and Trade Rebalancing", The World Economy, Vol 37, no 7, pp892-992.
Infectious Disease Global 2013 GCubed McKibbin W. and A. Sidorenko (2013) “Global Consequences of Pandemic Influenza” in Fullilove and Bubalo (2013) Reports from a Turbulent Decade, 10th Anniversary Collections. The Lowy Institute for International Policy, Penguin , pp 244-246.
Climate Change Global 2013 McKibbin W. (2013) “Quest for a Sensible Climate Policy” in Fullilove and Bubalo (2013) Reports from a Turbulent Decade, 10th Anniversary Collections. The Lowy Institute for International Policy, Penguin, pp242-243
Climate Change Global 2013 Morris, A,, McKibbin, W. and P. Wilcoxen.(2013) "A Climate Diplomacy Proposal: Carbon Pricing Consultations." Policy Brief, Harvard Project on Climate Agreements, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, February
Financial Crisis Global 2013 McKibbin W. and A Stoeckel (2013) “The Potential Effects of the Global Financial Crisis on World Trade” P.K. Mishra and K Trivikram (editors) The Global Financial Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities, Academic Foundation Press. pp 373-476
Climate Change 2013 McKibbin W and Wilcoxen P (2013), A Global Approach to Energy and the Environment: The GCubed Model" Handbook of CGE Modeling, Chapter 17, North Holland, pp 995-1068
Climate Change Global 2012 McKibbin W. (2012) “A New Climate Strategy Beyond 2012: Lessons from Monetary History” 2007 (final version of the Shann Memorial Lecture), The Singapore Economic Review, Vol. 57, No. 3, 18 pages
Fiscal Policy Global 2012 McKibbin W, and A. Stoeckel (2012)” Global Fiscal Consolidation” Asian Economic Papers, Vol 11, No 1, pp. 124-146.
CLimate Change USA 2011 McKibbin W, Morris A, and Wilcoxen P (2011), Subsidizing Household Capital: How Does Energy Efficiency Policy Compare to a Carbon Tax? The Energy Journal, Special Issue. Strategies for Mitigating Climate Change Through Energy Efficiency: A Multi-Model Perspective. Vol 32, pp105-122.
Climate Change Global 2011 McKibbin W, Morris A, and Wilcoxen P (2011), “Comparing Climate Commitments: A model-based analysis of the Copenhagen Accord”, Climate Change Economics, Vol 2, No 2. pp 79-103.
Climate Change Global 2011 McKibbin W (2011) “An Integrated Global Mitigation System versus National Systems”, Box 12.4 in Chapter 12: Economic Approaches and Instruments” of "Richardson K, Steffen W., and Liverman D, (eds), (2011) Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions
Macroeconomic Policy Australia 2010 GCubed McKibbin W. and A. Cagliarini (2010) “Global Relative Price Shocks: The Role of Macroeconomic Policies” in Fry, R., Jones C. and C. Kent (eds) Inflation in an Era of Relative Price Shocks, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney. pp305-333.
Climate Change 2010 McKibbin W (2010) "Designing Realistic Climate Policy", The University of Melbourne "Insights", Melbourne Business and Economics, Vol 8, November.
Climate Change 2010 Green F, McKibbin W and G. Picker (2010) "Confronting the Crisis of International Climate Policy: Rethinking the Framework for Cutting Emissions", Lowy Institute Policy Brief, 7 July.
Climate Change 2009 McKibbin W.J. and P. Wilcoxen (2009) "The Economic and Environmental Effects of Border Adjustments for Climate Policy" in Brainard, L. and I. Sorkin (2009) Climate Change Trade and Competitiveness: Is a Collision Inevitable?" Brookings Trade Forum 2008/09. pp 1-35.
Climate Change 2009 McKibbin, W. , Morris, A. and P. Wilcoxen (2009) "Expecting the Unexpected: Macroeconomic Volatility and Climate Policy", Lowy Institute Working Paper in International Economics 4.08
Climate Change 2008 McKibbin W.J. and P. Wilcoxen (2008) Building on Kyoto: Towards a Realistic Global Climate Change Agreement, The Brookings Institution, June.
Climate Change 2008 McKibbin W.J., Wilcoxen P. and W. Woo (2008) "Can China Grow and Still Help Prevent the Tragedy of the CO2 Commons"
China 2008 Jiang T. and W.J. McKibbin (2008) "What Does a Free Trade Area in the Asia Pacific Mean to China?
Climate Change 2007 McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (2007) "Targets and Timetables" in Getting it Right: The Science and Economics of Climate Change" Committee for Economics Development of Australia pp 76-85.
Climate Change 2007 McKibbin W, (2007) "Climate Change Policy: From national to International" 2006 Sir Lesley Melville Lecture. The Australian Economic Review, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 410–20
Climate Change 2007 Pearce D. and W. McKibbin (2007) "Two issues in Carbon Pricing: Timing and Competitiveness" CAMA Working Paper, April
Climate Change New Zealand 2007 McKibbin (2007) "Climate Policy For New Zealand After Kyoto" slides from AW Philiips Memorial Lecture delivered in Christchurch, New Zealand June 29, 2007.
Climate Change 2006 Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (2006) "Uranium Mining, Processing and Nuclear Energy: Opportunities for Australia" Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
Climate Change 2006 McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (2006) "A Credible Foundation for Long Term International Cooperation on Climate Change" paper prepared for the May 2006 workshop "Architectures for Agreement: Addressing Global Climate Change in the Post-Kyoto World" sponsored by the Environmental Economics Program at Harvard University. Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #171,
Demographics Global 2006 Batini N., T Callen and W. McKibbin (2006) "The Global Impact of Demographic Change" IMF Working Paper WP/06/9.
Infectious Disease 2006 McKibbin W. and A. Sidorenko (2006) "Global Macroeconomic Consequences of Pandemic Influenza" Lowy Institute Analysis, February.
Climate Change 2006 McKibbin W. (2006) "A Climate Change Policy to Manage Uncertainty" in CEDA Australian Chief Executive, May. Committee for Economics Development of Australia , Melbourne.
China 2006 McKibbin W. (2006) "China and the Global Environment" paper prepared for the Conference "China and Emerging Asia; Reorganizing the Global Economy", organized by KIEP and GSIS, Seoul National University, May 11-12, Seoul, Korea
Demographics Global 2006 MSG2 McKibbin W. (2005) "The Global Macroeconomic Consequences of a Demographic Transition", paper presented to a G20 workshop in Sydney, 27-28 August and the Asian Economic Panel meeting in Sydney on October 13.
Demographics 2005 McKibbin (2005) "Global Demographics and Japanese Macroeconomic Performance" Paper presented at the Conference on the International Collaborations Project , Tokyo Japan. February 2005.
Climate Change 2005 McKibbin W. and A. Stegman (2005) "Convergence and Per Capita Carbon Emissions" CAMA Working Paper April
Climate Change 2005 Zillman J, McKibbin W. and A. Kellow (2005) Uncertainty and Climate Change: The Challenge for Policy , Occasional Paper 2/2005, policy paper #3, Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, Canberra
Climate Change Global 2005 McKibbin W. (2005) "Sensible Climate Policy", Issues Brief, February, The Lowy Institute for International Policy Sydney
Environment Asia Pacific 2005 McKibbin W. (2005) "Indonesia in a Changing Global Environment" Indonesia Update 2005, Insitute of South East Asian Studies, pp 53-70
2004 GCubed Lee J-W and W. McKibbin (2004) "Globalization and Disease: The Case of SARS" Asian Economic Papers Vol . 3 no 1. MIT Press Cambridge USA. pp. (ISSN 1535-3516).
Demographics 2004 McKibbin W. and J Nguyen (2004) "Modeling Global Demographics: results for Japan". Paper presented at the Conference on the International Collaborations Project , Tokyo Japan. CAMA Working Paper July
Trade & Finance 2004 Lee J W , McKibbin W.J. and Y. Park (2004)"Transpacific Trade Imbalance: Causes and Cures", Lowy Institute Issues Brief September.
Infectious Disease 2004 McKibbin W. (2004) "Economic Modeling of SARS: The GCubed Approach" paper prepared for the "Handbook on the Rapid Assessment of the Economic Impact of Public Health Emergencies of International Concern". World Health Organization.
Climate Change 2004 McKibbin W., D. Pearce and A. Stegman (2004) " Can the IPCC SRES be Improved? Energy and Environment, vol 15, 3, pp351-362," .
Climate Change India 2004 GCubed McKibbin W. (2004) "Climate Change Policy for India". Lowy Institute Working Paper 129
Climate Change 2004 McKibbin W., D. and A. Stegman (2004) " Long Run Projections for Climate Change Scenarios" AMA Working paper June.
2003 MSG2 McKibbin W. and K. Singh (2003)"Monetary Regimes in India" in Jha R. (ed) (2003) Indian Economic Reforms. Palgrave-Macmillan pp11-50.
2003 GCubed McKibbin W. and W. Woo (2003) "The Fallout from China's WTO Accession: How Should Southeast Asia Respond?" in Asia: Seeking the Competitive Edge, Proceeding of the Seminar on Asian Competitiveness. Socio-Economic & Environment Research Institute, Penang, Malaysia (ISBN 983-41179-0-6).
2003 GCubed Lee J-W and W. McKibbin (2003) "The Impact of SARS on China" in Garnaut R. and L. Song (2003) New Engine for Global Growth: China's Twenty Fifth Year of Reform ANU.
2003 GCubed Callen T. and W.J. McKibbin (2003) "The Impact of Japanese Economic Policies on the Asia Region" in T. Callen and J. Ostry (eds) Japan's Lost Decade: Policies for Economics Revival, pp251-271, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC.(ISBN 1-58906-187-X).
2003 GCubed McKibbin W.J. and W. Woo (2003) "The Consequences of China's WTO Accession on Its Neighbours" Asian Economic Papers Vol 2. no 2. MIT Press Cambridge USA. Pp1-38. (ISSN 1535-3516)
2003 GCubed McKibbin W.J. and A. Stoeckel (2003) "The Economic Costs of War in Iraq" Brookings Working Paper March 3, 2003.
2003 GCubed McKibbin W. (2003) "A Better Alternative to the Kyoto Protocol" in C-C Chang, R. Mendelsohn and D. Shaw (eds) (2003) Global Warming and the Asian Pacific, Edward Elgar, pp247-257. (ISBN 1-84376-419-9).
Climate Change Global 2004 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (2004) "Climate Policy and Uncertainty: The Role of Adaptation versus Mitigation" in Living With Climate Change: Proceedings of a National Conference on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation. National Academies Forum, Canberra
2004 GCubed McKibbin W.J. and P.J. Wilcoxen (2004) "Estimates of the Costs of Kyoto-Marrakesh Versus The McKibbin-Wilcoxen Blueprint" Energy Policy.
Volatility  2003 McKibbin and Vines (2003) "Change in Equity Risk Perceptions: Global Consequences and Policy Responses" paper presented at the Austrian Economic Association meeting in Klagenfurt, Austria held May 16-17; and Bank of Canada Workshop on "Global Models and the Transmission of Shocks" held in Ottawa, May 22.
Macroeconomic Policy Europe 2002 MSG2 Haber, G., Neck, R. and W. McKibbin (2002) "Global Implications of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Rules in the EMU" Open Economies Review vol 13, no 4, pp363-380. (ISSN 0923-7992)
Macroeconomic Policy Europe 2002 MSG2 Neck, R. Haber, G. and W McKibbin (2002) "Monetary and Fiscal Policy-makers in the European Union: Allies or Adversaries?" Empirica, 29: pp225-244. ( ISSN 0340-8744)
Macroeconomic Policy Japan 2002 GCubed McKibbin W. (2002) "Macroeconomic Policy in Japan" Asian Economic Papers, Vol 1. no 2. MIT Press Cambridge USA. pp132-165. (ISSN 1535-3516)
Productivity Asia 2002 GCubed McKibbin W. (2002) "Comment on Total Factor Productivity Growth in East Asia: Implications for the Future by Jong-Il Kim" Asian Economic Papers, Vol 1. no 2. MIT Press Cambridge USA. pp71-72 (ISSN 1535-3516)
2002 GCubed McKibbin W. and W. Woo (2002) "The Fallout from China's WTO Accession: How Should Southeast Asia Respond?" paper prepared for the Seminar on Asian Competitiveness organized by the Socioeconomic and Environmental Research Institute in Penang, Malaysia, September 30, 2002
2002 GCubed McKibbin W.J and P.J. Wilcoxen (2002) Climate Change Policy after Kyoto: A Blueprint for a Realistic Approach, Brookings Institution, December, 133 pages (ISBN 0-8157-0608-1)
2002 GCubed McKibbin W. (2002) "Projections of greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Stationary Energy Sector to 2020: Results from the GCubed Model" report prepared for the Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra. June.
2002 GCubed McKibbin W. (2002) "Modeling Results for the Kyoto Protocol: Sensitivity Analysis" report prepared for the Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra.
2002 GCubed McKibbin W. (2002) "Modeling Results for the Kyoto Protocol" report prepared for the Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra.
Climate Change 2002 McKibbin W. (2002) "Modeling Results for the Kyoto Protocol" Report to the Australian Greenhouse Office, April 5, 2002.
Climate Change 2002 McKibbin W. (2002) "Modeling Results for the Kyoto Protocol: Supplementary Attachment Containing Sensitivity Results" Report to the Australian Greenhouse Office, July 5, 2002.
Climate Change 2002 McKibbin W. and P.J. Wilcoxen (2002) "Climate Policy after Kyoto", The Brookings Review, Brookings Institution, Vol 20, no 2 ,pp 6-10.
Climate Change Global 2002 McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (2002) ‘The Role of Economics in Climate Change Policy",
Macroeconomic Policy Europe 2001 MSG2 G., Neck, R., McKibbin, W. J., (2001). Monetary and Fiscal Policy Rules in the European Economic and Monetary Union: A Simulation Analysis. In: Choi, J. J., Wrase, J. (Eds), European Monetary Union and Capital Markets, Elsevier, pp195–217. (ISBN 0-7623-0830-3)
2001 MSG2 Haber G., R. Neck and W.J McKibbin (2001) "Policy Evaluation for the European Monetary Union Using a Global Macroeconomic Model, Non-Linear Analysis 47, pp1537-1548, Pergamon Press.
Monetary Policy Europe 2001 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and T. Bok (2001) "The European Monetary Union: Were There Alternatives to the ECB? A Quantitative Evaluation, Journal of Policy Modeling vol 23, pp1 – 32. (ISSN 0161-8938)
Financial Crisis Global 2001 GCubed McKibbin W. , Wang Z. and W. Coyle (2001) "The Asian Financial Crisis and Global Adjustments: Impacts on U.S. Agriculture" Japanese Economic Review, issue 4, vol 52, pp 471-490 (ISSN 1352-4739)
Trade Australia 2001 GCubed Berklemens, L., Davis, L., McKibbin, W. and A. Stoeckel (2001) Economic Impacts of an Australia United States Free Trade Area, Centre for International Economics, Canberra. 112 pages.
Macroeconomic Policy Japan 2001 GCubed Callen T. and W. McKibbin (2001) "Policies and Prospects in Japan and the Implications for the Asia Pacific Region" IMF Working Paper WP/01/131.
2001 GCubed McKibbin W. and T. Callen (2001) "The Impact of Japan on the Asia Pacific Region" Paper presented at the IMF/World Bank Conference on "Economic Interdependence Shaping the Asia Pacific in the 21st Century" held in Tokyo March 22-23.
2001 GCubed Andserson K., and W. McKibbin (2001) in J. Dean (ed) "International Trade and the Environment" International Library of Environmental Economics and Policy Series Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot UK (ISBN 0-7546-1388-7), pp
Demographics 2001 McKibbin W. and J. Nguyen (2001) "The Impact of Demographics in Japan: Some Preliminary Results from the MSG3 Model" paper presented to the Fall 2001 International Forum of Collaboration Projects, Economic and Social Research Institute of the Japanese Cabinet Office, Tokyo Sept 17-19.
Demographics 2001 Bryant R. and W. McKibbin (2001) "Incorporating Demographics in Multi-Country Macroeconomic Models" paper presented to the Spring 2001 International Forum of Collaboration Projects, Economic and Social Research Institute of the Japanese Cabinet Office, Tokyo March 18-20, revised for the NBER/TCER/CEPR conference on "Japan Project" held in Tokyo, Sept 14-15.
Trade & Finance 2001 Berkelmans L., Davis, L., McKibbin W., and Stoeckel, A. (2001) "Economic impacts of an Australia – United States Free Trade Area" report for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Modeling Methodology 2000 McKibbin W.J. and D. Vines (2000) "Modeling Reality: The Need for Both Intertemporal Optimization and Stickiness in Models for Policymaking" Oxford Review of Economic Policy vol 16, no 4.
Macroeconomic Policy Japan 2001 MSG2 McKibbin W. (2001) "Macroeconomic Policy in Japan" paper prepared for the Harvard Asian Economic Panel meeting held in Seoul, Korea October 25-26.
Macroeconomic Policy Japan 2001 MSG2 Callen T. and W. McKibbin (2001) "Policies and Prospects in Japan and the Implications for the Asia Pacific Region" IMF Working Paper WP/01/131.
Monetary Policy India 2000 MSG2 McKibbin W. and K. Singh (2000)"Issues in the Choice of a Monetary Regime for India", Paper originally prepared for the International Conference on Second Generation Reforms in India, held on 8-10 December 1999 at Madras School of Economics, Chennai, India.
Trade & Finance Europe 2000 MSG2 Neck, R., Haber, G. and W. McKibbin (2000) "Macroeconomic Impacts of European Union Membership of Central and Eastern European Economies" Atlantic Economic Journal, vol 28 no.1, pp71-82. (ISSN 0197-4254)
2000 GCubed Davis, L. , McKibbin W., and A. Stoeckel (2000) Economic Benefits from an AFTA-CER Free Trade Area, Centre for International Economics, Canberra. 73 pages.
Trade & Finance Global 2000 GCubed Stoeckel A., McKibbin W.J., and KK Tang (2000) "Productivity, Risk and the Gains from Trade Liberalisation" Pelham Papers – no 9, Melbourne Business School.
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. and Y. Huang (2000) "Rapid Economic Growth in China: Implications for the World Economy" in Drysdale P. and L. Song (eds) (2000) China's Entry to the WTO, pp 194-216. Routledge, London (ISBN 0-415-24101-4).
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (2000) "Beyond the Kyoto Protocol", in Lo, F. Tokuda H., and N. Cooray (eds) The Sustainable Future of the Global System III, ge 101-108. United Nations University Press, Tokyo (ISBN 4-906686-09-5 )
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. (2000) "Moving Beyond Kyoto" Brookings Policy Brief #66, 4 pages, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC.
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. (2000) "An Alternative Solution to Kyoto – The McKibbin-Wilcoxen Initiative" ECOAL, vol 35 September 2000, The World Coal Institute, London, pp. 3-4.
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. and KK Tang (2000) "Trade and Financial Reform in China: Impacts on the World Economy" The World Economy, vol 23, no. 8 pp979-1003
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. (2000) "Globalization: What Does it Mean?" in Australian Coal conference proceedings volume 1, pp 1-16, Australian Coal Association.
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (2000) "The Next Step for Climate Change Policy After COP5" Brookings Background paper no 1, February, 7 pages.
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (2000) "The Role of International Permit Trading in Climate Change Policy" Oxford Energy Forum, Issue 41, May 2000, p3-6
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. (2000) "Forecasting the World Economy with Dynamic Intertemporal General Equilibrium Multi-Country Models" in Abelson P. and R. Joyeaux (eds) (2000) Economic Forecasting , pp 50-73, Allen and Unwin (ISBN 186508171X)
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. (2000) "A Better Alternative to the Kyoto Protocol" Paper prepared for the 2000 Taipei Conference on Policies for Greenhouse Gases Reduction and Pollution Control in Asian-Pacific, held in the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, November 30 – December 1, 2000.
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. (2000) "An Early Action Climate Change Policy for All Countries" mimeo, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC.
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. (2000) "Globalization: What Does it Mean?" paper prepared for the Australian Coal Conference held on the Gold Coast 7-10 May 2000
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (2000) "Beyond the Kyoto Protocol", Paper presented at the "International Conference on the Sustainable Future of the Global System" held at the United Nations University on May 24-25 in Tokyo. An earlier draft was presented at the Chuo Research Unit for Global Environment (CRUGE) International Symposium on "Global Environmental Issues: Theories and International Cooperation" held March 22 and the United Nations University Workshop on "Global Environment and International Cooperation" held March 23 in Tokyo.
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. (2000) "The Likely Impact of the New Tax System on the Australian Exchange Rate and Domestic Oil Prices" report prepared for the ACCC.
2000 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (2000) "Global Costs of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Final Report". Report prepared for the Office of Policy Analysis, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Trade & Finance 2000 Davis, L. , McKibbin W., and A. Stoeckel (2000) Economic Benefits from an AFTA-CER Free Trade Area, Centre fopr International Economics, Canberra. 73 pages.
Trade & Finance 2000 McKibbin W. (2000) "Globalization: What Does it Mean?" paper prepared for the Australian Coal Conference held on the Gold Coast 7-10 May 2000
Climate Change 2000 McKibbin W. (2000) "Moving Beyond Kyoto" Brookings Policy Brief #66, 4 pages, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC.
Climate Change 2000 McKibbin W. (2000) "An Early Action Climate Change Policy for all Countries" draft
Climate Change 2000 McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (2000) "Beyond the Kyoto Protocol", Paper presented at the "International Conference on the Sustainable Future of the Global System" sponsored by the OECD and United Nations Univesity, held at the United Nations University on May 24-25 in Tokyo.
Climate Change 2000 McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (2000) "The Next Step for Climate Change Policy After COP5" Brookings Background paper no 1, February, pp7.
Climate Change 2000 McKibbin W, and P. Wilcoxen (2000) "Designing a Realistic Climate Change Policy that includes Developing Countries" revised version of UNU paper presented at the Conference of Economists Gold Coast, Australia, July 3-5.
Climate Change New Zealand 2000 GCubed McKibbin W. and D. Pearce (2000) "Early Action Simulations: Results from GCubed" Centre for International Economics, Report prepared for the New Zealand Ministry of Environment, 57 pages.
1999 MSG2 Neck, R., Haber, G. and W. McKibbin (1999) "Macroeconomic Policy Design in the European Monetary Union: A Numerical Game Approach" Empirica, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp319-335. (ISSN 0340-8744)
1999 MSG2 Allsop C., McKibbin, W. and D. Vines (1999) "Fiscal Consolidation in Europe: Some Empirical Issues" in Hughes-Hallett, A., Hutchison, M. and S. Hougaard (1999) Fiscal Aspects of European Monetary Integration Cambridge University Press pp 288-319. (ISBN 052165162X)
1999 GCubed McKibbin W. (1999) "Lessons from Modeling the Crisis in Asia" in Working with peers for Financial Reforms in East Asia, Foundation for Community Building in the Asia Pacific, Inc pp 65-76.
1999 GCubed McKibbin W. (1999) "Modeling the Crisis in Asia" in Arndt H. and H. Hill (eds) "Southeast Asia's Economics Crisis: Origins, Lessons, and the Way Forward" Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore pp119-127. (ISBN 981-3055-89-8).
Global 1999 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "The Theoretical and Empirical Structure of the GCubed Model" Economic Modeling,16,1, pp 123-148 (ISSN 0264-9993)
Trade & Finance Global 1999 GCubed Stoeckel A., Tang, KK and W. McKibbin (1999) "The gains from trade liberalization with endogenous productivity and risk premia effects", paper prepared for the WTO workshop on Reason versus Emotion: Requirements for a Successful WTO Round" held at the Sheraton hotel in Seattle, December 2.
Trade & Finance Asia Pacific 1999 GCubed McKibbin W. (1999) "International Capital Flows, Financial Reforms and the Cost of Changing Risk Perceptions in APEC Economies" Paper prepared for the Institute of Policy Studies conference on "Experiences of Economic Reform Within APEC" held in Wellington, New Zealand July 12-14, 1999.
Climate Change Global 1999 GCubed McKibbin W., and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "Permit Trading Under the Kyoto Protocol and Beyond". in Lo, F., Matsushita K, and H Takagi (eds) (1999) The Sustainable Future of the Global System II pp 31-52. United Nations University Press Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on the Sustainable Future of the Global System, 23-24 February 1999.
1999 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "Designing a Realistic Climate Change Policy that Includes Developing Countries" in Energy for the New Millennium, Conference Proceedings of the Australian Institute of Energy, National Conference. pp168-176.
1999 GCubed Bagnoli, P. McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "Global Economic Prospects: Medium Term Projections and Structural Change" in Lo, F., Morita T. and S .Shishido (eds) (1999)The Sustainable Future of the Global System: Issues, Models and Prospects. pp 85-119. United Nations University Press.
Climate Change Global 1999 GCubed McKibbin W. , Shackleton R. and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "What to Expect from an International System of Tradeable Permits for Carbon Emissions" Resource and Energy Economics, volume 21, 3, pp 319-346.
1999 GCubed McKibbin, W. J. and P. J. Wilcoxen (1999), "Environmental Policy and International Trade" in Mahendrarajah S, Jakeman A. and M. McAleer (eds) (1999) Modeling Change in Integrated Economics and Environmental Systems, John Wiley & Sons, pp339-368. (ISBN 0-471-98544-9)
1999 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "Until We Know More About Global Warming, the Best Policy is a Highly Flexible One" The Chronicle of Higher Education, vol XLV, number 43, pp 84-85.
Climate Change GLobal 1999 GCubed McKibbin W. , Ross, M., Shackleton R. and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "Emissions Trading, Capital Flows and the Kyoto Protocol" The Energy Journal Special Issue, "The Costs of the Kyoto Protocol: A Multi-model Evaluation" pp287-334 (ISSN 0195-6574).
1999 GCubed McKibbin W, and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "Designing a Realistic Climate Change Policy that includes Developing Countries" Paper prepared for the United Nations University Symposium on "Global Environment and Economic Theory " RMAP Working paper no 23, ANU, Australia.
Climate Change Global 1999 GCubed McKibbin W. , Ross, M., Shackleton R. and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "Emissions Trading, Capital Flows and the Kyoto Protocol" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #144, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC.
1999 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "Permit Trading Under the Kyoto Protocol and Beyond" paper prepared for the United Nations University conference on "The Sustainable Future of the Global System" to be held on 23-24 February in Tokyo
1999 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "Global Costs of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Year 1 of Phase 3". Report prepared for the Office of Policy Analysis, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Trade & Finance 1999 McKibbin W. (1999) "Trade Liberalization in a Dynamic Setting" Keynote paper prepared for the Second Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis held in Denmark on June 19-21 1999
Modeling Methodology 1999 McKibbin W. (1999) "Solving Large Scale Models Under Alternative Policy Closures: The MSG2 Multi-Country Model" in Hughes Hallett A. and P. McAdam (1999) "Analyses in Macroeconomic Modeling" Kluwer (forthcoming)
Climate Change 1999 McKibbin W, and P. Wilcoxen (1999) "Designing a Realistic Climate Change Policy that includes Developing Countries" Paper prepared for the United Nations University Symposium on "Global Environment and Economic Theory " held on October 24 and 25 in Tokyo
Climate Change 1999 McKibbin W. (1999) "An Early Action Proposal with Known Costs: A Sensible and Realistic Option for Emissions Trading in Australia" paper presented at the 2nd annual AIC Emission Trading Workshop held in Sydney, August 30-31,199 and at the ICM Emissions Trading Conference held in Sydney, July 12 and 13, 1999.
Financial Crisis Asia Pacific 1999 GCubed McKibbin W. and A. Stoeckel (1999) "East Asia's Response to the Crisis:A Quantitative Analysis", paper prepared for the ASEM Regional Economist's Workshop: "From Recovery to Sustainable Development" The World Bank. Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #149, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC.
1998 GCubed McKibbin W. , Shackleton R. and P. Wilcoxen (1998) "The Potential Effects of International Carbon Emissions Permit Trading Under the Kyoto Protocol" in Economic Modeling of Climate Change, OECD Workshop Report, OECD Paris. Pp49-80. (conference proceedings)
Modeling Methodology 1998 MSG2 McKibbin W., Pagan, A. and J. Robertson (1998) "Some Experiments in Constructing a Hybrid Model for Macroeconomic Analysis" Carnegie Rochester Conference on Public Policy (forthcoming)
1998 GCubed Stoeckel, A. , Fisher, S., McKibbin W. and B. Borrell (1998) Asia's Meltdown & Agriculture Centre for International Economics, Canberra, 44 pages (ISBN 1-875149-29-5).
1998 GCubed Coyle, W., McKibbin W., Z. Wang and M. Lopez (1998) "The Asian Financial Crisis: Impactson U.S. Agriculture" Choices, publication of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Fourth Quarter 1998, page 2-7.
1998 GCubed McKibbin W. (1998) "Modeling the Crisis in Asia" Asean Economic Bulletin, December vol 15, no 3, pp347-352 (ISSN 0217-4472).
Financial Crisis Asia 1998 GCubed McKibbin W. (1998) "Risk Re-Evaluation, Capital Flows and the Crisis in Asia" in Garnaut R. and R. McLeod (1998) (eds) East Asia in Crisis: From Being a Miracle to Needing One? Pp227-244, Routledge (ISBN 0-415-19831-3)
1998 GCubed McKibbin W. (1998) "Unilateral Versus Multilateral Trade Liberalization: The Importance of International Financial Flows" in The Economic Implications of Liberalizing APEC Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade, U.S. International Trade Commission Publication 3101, April, pp10-41 to 10-66.
1998 GCubed McKibbin W. (1998) "Regional and Multilateral Trade Liberalization: The Effects on Trade, Investment and Welfare" in P. Drysdale and D. Vines (1998) Europe, East Asia and APEC: A Shared Global Agenda?Cambridge University Press, pp 195-220.
1998 GCubed Martin W. and W. McKibbin (1998) "The East Asia Crisis: Investigating Causes and Policy Responses" World Bank (mimeo)
1998 GCubed McKibbin W. (1998) "The Economic Crisis in Asia: An Empirical Assessment" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #136, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC
1998 GCubed McKibbin W. (1998) "International Permit Trading: Creating a Sustainable System" in Emissions Trading: Proceedings of an International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading ABARE, Canberra pp 71-78 (ISBN 0642266263).
1998 GCubed McKibbin W. (1998) "Global Emissions Trading: A Post-Kyoto Proposal" Agenda vol 5, no 3, p299-310. (ISSN 1322-1833)
1998 GCubed McKibbin W. (1998) "The McKibbin-Wilcoxen Proposal for Global Greenhouse Abatement" chapter 4 in Trading Greenhouse Emissions: Some Australian Perspectives, pp 41-50, Bureau of Transport Economics, Commonwealth of Australia (ISBN 0642476225)
1998 GCubed McKibbin W. (1998)"Greenhouse Abatement Policy: Insights from the GCubed Multi-Country Model"The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol 42, 1 (forthcoming)
1998 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1998) "Global Costs of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1995-1998". Report prepared for the Office of Policy Analysis, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Demographics 1998 Bryant R. and McKibbin W. (1998) "Issues in Modeling the Global Dimensions of Demographics", paper prepared for the Brookings Workshops on Demographic Turbulence and Global Stability held in Washington, DC (July 15) Paris (July 27) and Tokyo (July 31) Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #141, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC.
Volatility  1998 McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1998) "Macroeconomic Volatility in General Equilibrium" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #140, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC
Modeling Methodology 1998 McKibbin W. (1998) "Forecasting the World Economy" Invited paper prepared for the Business Symposium on Economic Forecasting, in Sydney 1 October.
Climate Change Global 1998 McKibbin W. , Shackleton R. and P. Wilcoxen (1998) "The Potential Effects of International Carbon Emissions Permit Trading Under the Kyoto Protocol" paper prepared for an OECD Workshop held in Paris
Climate Change Global 1998 McKibbin W., R. Shackleton and P. Wilcoxen (1998) "What to Expect from an International System of Tradebable Permits for Carbon Emissions" paper prepared for the NBER workshop on Permit Trading, Cambrige MA August- Revised October 1998.
Climate Change Global 1998 GCubed> McKibbin W. (1998) "International Permit Trading: Creating a Sustainable System" Paper prepared for the ABARE conference on "Emissions Trading" to be held in Sydney May 21-22.
Climate Change Global 1998 McKibbin W. (1998) "The McKibbin-Wilcoxen Proposal for Global Greenhouse Abatement" Paper prepared for a publication on "Trading Greenhouse Emissions: Major Issues and Implications"
Climate Change Global 1998 McKibbin W. (1998) "Global Emissions Trading: Prospects and Pitfalls" paper presented to the APEC studies Centre conference on "Kyoto - The Impact on Australia" held in Melbourne February 12 and 13, 1998.
China 1998 GCubed McKibbin W. and KK Tang (1998) "The Global Economic Impacts of Trade and Financial Reform in China" Paper presented to the Harvard University Conference on China's Integration Into the World Economy, held in Boston, January 16 and 17. Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #137, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC
Financial Crisis Asia Pacific 1998 GCubed McKibbin W. and W. Martin (1998) "The East Asia Crisis: Investigating Causes and Policy Responses" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #142, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC.
Financial Crisis Asia Pacific 1998 GCubed Coyle W., McKibbin W. and Z. Wang (1998) "The Asian Financial Crisis: Impact on the U.S. Economy and Agriculture" US Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service Staff Working Paper #9805
Financial Crisis Asia Pacific 1998 GCubed McKibbin W. (1998) "Risk Re-evaluation, Capital Flows and the Crisis in Asia" Paper prepared for the ANU conference on "east Asia in Crisis: From Being a Miracle to Needing One"
Financial Crisis Asia Pacific 1998 GCubed McKibbin W. (1998) "The Economic Crisis in Asia: An Empirical Assessment" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #136, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC.
1997 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1997) "Which Monetary Policy Regime for Australia?" in Reserve Bank of Australia Monetary Policy and Inflation Targeting,Reserve Bank of Australia, pp166-173.
1997 GCubed Stoeckel A.,W. McKibbin, T. Feridhanusetyawan, and K. Khatikarn (1997) Effects of APEC Liberalization, with a Focus on Thailand and Indonesia, Centre for International Economics, 47 pages
Trade & Finance Asia 1997 GCubed McKibbin W. (1997) "The Transmission of Productivity and Investment Shocks in the Asia Pacific Region" in Macroeconomic Interdependence in the Asia- Pacific Region Economic Planning Agency Annual International Symposium held in Tokyo on October 22-23,, Government of Japan, Tokyo., 1996, pp 605-654.
Trade & Fnance Asia 1997 GCubed McKibbin W. (1997) "Regional and Multilateral Trade Liberalization: The Effects on Trade, Investment and Welfare" Paper prepared for the AJRC/CEPR/ESRC/GEI conference on Europe, East Asia, APEC and the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) process" held in London May 20/21, Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics # 134.
1997 GCubed McKibbin W. (1997) "Comment on Energy-Economy Interactions in Stabilizing CO2 Emissions" in Kaya Y. and K. Yokobori (eds) Environment, Energy, and Economy United Nations University Press,Tokyo, pp171-180.
1997 GCubed McKibbin, W. J. and P. J. Wilcoxen (1997), "Environmental Policy and International Trade" in McAleer M., Mahendrarajah S, and A. Jakeman (1997) Modeling Change in Environmental Systems (forthcoming)
1997 GCubed McKibbin W. (1997) "Issues in Global Climate Change: Insights from the GCubed Multi-Country Model"The Challenge for Australia on Global Climate Change, National Academies Forum. pp52-062.
1997 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1997) "The Economic Implications of Greenhouse Gas Policy" in H. English and D. Runnals (eds) Environment and Development in the Pacific: Problems and Policy Options, Addison Wesley, Longman pp8-34.
1997 GCubed Bagnoli, P. McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1997) "Global Economic Prospects: Medium Term Projections and Structural Change" forthcoming in UNU publication AThe Sustainable Future of the Global System.
1997 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1997) "Environmental Policy, Capital Flows and International Trade" mimeo The Brookings Institution, Washington DC
Climate Change Global 1997 GCubed Anderson K. and W. McKibbin (1997) "Reducing Coal Subsidies and Trade Barriers: Their Contribution to Greenhouse Gas Abatement" Brookings Discussion paper in International Economics #135, CEPR (London) Discussion Paper #1698, CIES Adelaide University Seminar paper 97-07.
1997 GCubed McKibbin W.J. (1997) "Modeling Results of Projections of Future Australian Greenhouse Emissions: IV" Report to Environment Australia, Canberra.
1997 GCubed McKibbin W.J. (1997) "Modeling Results of Projections of Future Australian Greenhouse Emissions: III" Report to the Australian Department of Environment, Sport and Territories, Canberra.
1997 GCubed McKibbin W.J. (1997) "Modeling Results of Projections of Future Australian Greenhouse Emissions: An Update" Report to the Australian Department of Environment, Sport and Territories, Canberra.
Trade & Finance 1997 McKibbin W. (1997) "Some Global Consequences of Financial Market Liberalization in the Asia Pacific Region" paper prepared for the EMBA conference on AInvestment Liberalization and Financial Reform in the Asia-Pacific Region" held in Sydney August 29-31.
Climate Change Global 1997 McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1997) "The Problem with Internationally Tradeable Emission Permits for Greenhouse Gas Abatement" paper prepared for an IPCC meeting at IIASA, Austria, June 23-25.
Climate Change Global 1997 McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1997) "A Better Way to Slow Global Climate Change" Brookings Policy Brief no 17, June, The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.
Climate Change Global 1997 McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1997) "Salvaging the Kyoto Climate Change Negotiations" Brookings Policy Brief no 27, November, The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C. .
Climate Change New Zealand 1997 GCubed McKibbin W. and D. Pearce (1997) "Impacts on the New Zealand economy of commitments for abatement of carbon dioxide" Report to the New Zealand Department of Commerce. 85 pages.
Macroeconomic Policy Japan 1996 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. (1996) "The Macroeconomic Experience of Japan 1990 to 1995: An Empirical Investigation" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #131.
German Unification Europe 1996 MSG2 Gagnon J., Masson, P. and W. McKibbin (1996) "German Unification: What Have We Learned from Multi-Country Models" IMF working Paper # , Federal Reserve Board Working Paper # and Brookings Institution Discussion Paper in International Economics # 128 .
Macroeconomic Policy Global 1996 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1996) "Disinflation, Fiscal Consolidation and the Role of Monetary and Fiscal Regimes" paper prepared for the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Workshop on Monetary Policy held at Wellington May 20 and 21 and the Economic Modeling Bureau of Australia Conference on AMonetary Policy: Price Level and Inflation Targeting" held in Canberra, May 23. CEPR Working Paper 348, Canberra,
1996 MSG2 Gagnon J., Masson, P. and W. McKibbin (1996) "German Unification: What Have We Learned from Multi-Country Models" Economic Modeling vol 13, no.4 ,pp 467-498.
1996 MSG2 McKibbin W., Neck, R. and G. Shaefer (1996) "Global Consequences of Economic Transition in Eastern Europe and Central Europe: A Macroeconomic Simulation Analysis" in Owsinski J. and Z. Nahorski (eds) Modeling and Analysing Economies in Transition, polish Operational and System Research Society, Warsaw.pp9-24.
1996 MSG2 Allsop C., Davies, G. McKibbin, W. and D. Vines (1996) "Monetary and Fiscal Stabilisation of Demand Shocks Within Europe" Review of International Economics, Vol 5, no 4. pp
1996 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. (1996) "The MSG2 and GCubed Models of the Australian Economy", in Nguyen et al (1996) Analysis and Control of Dynamic Economies, Kluwer Publishing pp 55-68.
1996 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1996) "Military Spending Cuts and the Global Economy" in Gleditsch N., Bjerkholt O., Cappelen A. Smith R. and J. Dunne (eds) (1996) The Peace Dividend, Contribution to Economic Analysis, North Holland Amsterdam, pp465-490.
1996 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. (1996) AReview of Economic Properties in FPS: The Reserve Bank of New Zealand Forecasting and Policy Model" Report to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
1996 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. (1996) "The Macroeconomic Experience of Japan 1990 to 1995: An Empirical Investigation" Report to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
1996 GCubed McKibbin W.J. , Pearce D., and A. Wong (1996) Some Economic Effects of APEC. Canberra: Centre for International Economics. 18 pages
1996 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1996) "The Role of Services in Modeling The Global Economy" Asia Pacific Economic Review vol 2(2) pp2-13.
Climate Change Global 1996 GCubed Bagnoli, P. McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1996) "Future Projections and Structural Change" in N, Nakicenovic, W. Nordhaus, R. Richels and F. Toth (ed) Climate Change: Integrating Economics and Policy, CP 96-1 , International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria), pp181-206.
1996 GCubed McKibbin W.J. (1996) "The MSG2 and GCubed Models of the Australian Economy", in Nguyen et al (1996) Analysis and Control of Dynamic Economies, Kluwer Publishing pp 55-68.
1996 GCubed McKibbin W. And D. Pearce (1996) "Global Carbon Taxes: An Australian Perspective" in Bouma W. Pearman G. and M Manning (1996) Greenhouse: Coping With Climate Change, CSIRO Canberra. pp570-585.
1996 GCubed Anderson K. and W. McKibbin (1996) "Coal Subsidies and Global Carbon Emissions" Invited Paper for the 25th Annual Conference of Economists, ANU, Canberra, 22-26 September 1996 and 42nd Australian Agricultural and Resource Economist Conference, Gold Coast January 1997.
1996 GCubed McKibbin W. and Y. Huang (1996) "Rapid Economic Growth in China: Implications for the World Economy" paper presented to the AJRC Conference on AChina and the WTO: Issues and Impacts on China and the East Asian and Pacific Economies" held in Tokyo May 8 and 9. Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #130.
1996 GCubed McKibbin W.J. (1996) "Modeling Results of Projections of Future Australian Greenhouse Emissions" Report to the Australian Department of Environment, Sport and Territories, Canberra.
Trade & Finance Asia 1996 GCubed McKibbin W. (1996) "Quantifying APEC Trade Liberalization: A Dynamic Analysis" Working Paper in Trade and Development #1, Economics Department, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. Also Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #122, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC.
Modeling Methodology 1996 Bagnoli, P. McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1996) "Global Economic Prospects: Medium Term Projections and Structural Change", Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics # 121, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC, also United Nations University Center for Advanced Studies Working Paper #1.
Growth China 1996 McKibbin W. and Y. Huang (1996) "Rapid Economic Growth in China: Implications for the World Economy" paper presented to the AJRC Conference on AChina and the WTO: Issues and Impacts on China and the East Asian and Pacific Economies" held in Tokyo May 8 and 9. Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #130.
Macroeconomic Policy Japan 1996 McKibbin W. (1996) The Macroeconomic Experience of Japan Since 1990: An Empirical Investigation, Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics 131, Washington DC.
Monetary Policy Europe 1995 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and T. Bok (1995) "Which Monetary Regime for Europe? A quantitative Evaluation" ESRC Macroeconomic Modeling Bureau working paper 39, University of Warwick. Also Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #119, revised version of paper prepared for the Warwick University Summer Research Workshop on "Econometric Modeling of European Macroeconomic Integration"
Policy Coordination 1995 MSG2 McKibbin W., Neck, R. and Haber G. (1995)" On the Gains From International Macroeconomic Policy Coordination", in P. Kopacek (ed) (1995) Supplementary Ways For Improving International Stability, Pergamon Press. Pp53-59.
1995 MSG2 Manchester J. and W. McKibbin (1995) "The Global Macroeconomics of NAFTA", Open Economies Review, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 203-223.
1995 MSG2 McKibbin W. and S. Thurman (1995) "The Impact on the World Economy of Reductions in Military Expenditures and Military Arms Exports" in Klein L., F. Lo and W. McKibbin (editors) (1995) Arms Trade: Economic Implications in the Post Cold War Era United Nations University Press . pp129-171.
1995 MSG2 Bryant R.C. and W.J. McKibbin (1995) "The Implications of Shocks in the OECD: A Comparison of Results from Multi-Country Models" in D. Currie and D. Vines (eds) (1994) North-South Linkages and International Macroeconomic Policy, CEPR and Cambridge University Press, pp.181-228.
1995 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and M. Sundberg (1995) "Macroeconomic Linkages Between the OECD and the Asian Pacific Region" in D. Currie and D. Vines (eds) (1995) North-South Linkages and International Macroeconomic Policy, CEPR and Cambridge University Press, pp235-272.
1995 GCubed McKibbin W. And T. Bok (1995) "The Impact on the Asia-Pacific Region of Fiscal Policy in the United States and Japan", Asia Pacific Economic Review, vol 1, No 2, pp25-40.
1995 GCubed McKibbin W. and T. Bok (1995) "The Impact on the Asia-Pacific Region of Fiscal Policy in the United States and Japan" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #120, The Brookings Institution Washington DC..
1995 GCubed McKibbin W. J. and D. Salvatore (1995) "The Global Economic Consequences of the Uruguay Round and Implications for Australia", Asia Pacific Economic Review, vol 1, No 3 pp49-62.
1995 GCubed McKibbin W. and D. Pearce (1995) "GCubed and Environmental Policy Analysis" Chapter 4 in The Role of Economic Analysis in Assessing Greenhouse Impacts and Responses, published Department of Environment Sport and Territories (1995), pp33-39.
1995 GCubed McKibbin W. J. and D. Salvatore (1995) "The Global Economic Consequences of the Uruguay Round",Open Economies Review ,Vol. 6, No. 2, pp111-129.
1995 GCubed McKibbin, W. J. and P. J. Wilcoxen (1995), "Environmental Policy and International Trade" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #117, The Brookings Institution Washington DC.
1995 GCubed McKibbin, W. J. and P. J. Wilcoxen (1995), "Economic Implications of Greenhouse Gas Policy" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #116, The Brookings Institution Washington DC.
1995 GCubed McKibbin W. J. and D. Salvatore (1995) "The Global Economic Consequences of the Uruguay Round" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #110, December, The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.
1995 GCubed McKibbin W.J. (1995) "Modeling Results for a Small Greenhouse Levy: Results from the GCubed Multi-Country Model" Report to the Australian Department of Environment, Sport and Territories, Canberra.
Modeling Methodology 1995 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1995)"The Theoretical and Empirical Structure of the GCubed Model", Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #118, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC..
Modeling Methodology 1994 GCubed McKibbin W. (1994) "Recent Developments in Multi-Country Modeling" paper prepared for the Plenary session on Modeling at the Conference of Economists, Gold Coast, October.
Trade 1994 MSG2 Manchester J. and W. McKibbin (1994) "The Global Macroeconomics of NAFTA", Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #106, April, The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.
Global 1994 MSG2 Bryant R. and W. McKibbin (1994) "Macroeconomic Effects on Developing Economies of Shocks in the OECD: Evidence from Multi-Country Models" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #102, February, The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.
1994 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1994) "Dynamic Adjustment to Regional Integration: Europe 1992 and NAFTA" paper prepared for the TCER-NBER-CEPR conference on Regionalism, to be held in Japan January 8 and 9, 1994.
Growth Australia 1994 MSG2 McKibbin W. J. (1994) "Labor Productivity Growth: Macroeconomic and Sectoral Results from the MSG2 and GCubed Multi-Country Models" in C. Hargreaves (ed) A Comparison of Economy-Wide Models of Australia, Office of EPAC Commission Paper no. 2., pp105-132, October August. Australian Government Printing Service: Canberra.
1994 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. (1994) "NAFTA and Australia". in Regional Trading Arrangements, Office of EPAC Background Paper no. 40. pp35-60, August. Australian Government Printing Service: Canberra.
1994 MSG2 Manchester J. and W. McKibbin (1994) "The Macroeconomic Consequences of the Savings and Loan Debacle," The Review of Economics and Statistics 76, No. 3, pp. 579-583.
Monetary Policy 1994 MSG2 D.W. Henderson and W. McKibbin (1994) "A Comparison of Some Basic Monetary Policy Regimes for Open Economies: Implications of Different Degrees of Instrument Adjustment and Wage Persistence" Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy,
1994 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1994) " The Economic and Security Implications of Reductions in Military Budgets" Tokyo Club Papers, No. 7, pp9-32, Tokyo Club Foundation for Global Studies, Tokyo.
1994 MSG2 McKibbin (1994) "The Consequences of Fiscal Consolidation in the OECD" prepared as a background paper for the World Bank report on "Global Economic Prospects".
1994 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. (1994) "Global Interest Rate Linkages" Background Paper prepared for the National Farmers Federation Report on Are Long Term Interest Rates Too High.
1994 GCubed McKibbin W.J., Pearce D., and A. Stoeckel (1994) Economic Effects of Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Centre for International Economics, Canberra.
1994 GCubed McKibbin W.J. (1994) "Dynamic Adjustment to Regional Integration: Europe 1992 and NAFTA", Journal of The Japanese and International Economies, vol 8, no 4, pp422-453.
1994 GCubed McKibbin W. and D. Pearce (1994)"Global Carbon Taxes: An Australian Perspective" paper prepared for Greenhouse 94 Conference, Wellington, October.
1994 GCubed McKibbin W. and D. Pearce (1994)"GCubed and Environmental Policy Analysis" paper prepared for Department of Environment, Sports & Territories Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Policy. 25 October 1994.
1994 GCubed McKibbin W. J. and D. Salvatore (1994) "The Global Economic Consequences of the Uruguay Round and Implications for Australia" paper prepared for EMBA conference on "Productivity", Sydney 23-25 August.
1994 GCubed McKibbin W.J. (1994) "Trade Liberalization in Manufactures between Australia, Japan and the United States: Results from the GCubed Multi-Country Model" background report prepared for the Office of EPAC for "Regional Trading Arrangements"Background Paper no 40.
1994 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1994) "Global Costs of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions III". Report prepared for the Office of Policy Analysis, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 542 pages
1994 GCubed McKibbin W.J. (1994) "Carbon Taxes in Australia: Some Notes on Preliminary Results from the GCubed Multi-Country Model" Background paper prepared for the Australian Senate Enquiry into Carbon Taxes and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
1993 MSG2 McKibbin W, Neck, R and G. Schafer (1993) "The Impact of the European Single Market on the Austrian Economy: Some Simulation Experiments Under Alternative Assumptions About Global and National Policy Reactions" Universtat Bielefeld Discussion Paper 281.
1993 MSG2 D.W. Henderson and W. McKibbin (1993) "A Comparison of Some Basic Monetary Policy Regimes for Open Economies: Implications of Different Degrees of Instrument Adjustment and Wage Persistence" Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, International Finance Discussion Papers no. 458.
1993 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1993) "The Impact of Arms Reduction on the World Economy" prepared for the Tokyo Club Meeting, July 1&2.
1993 MSG2 McKibbin W. and P. Bagnoli (1993) "Fiscal Deficit Reduction: An Evaluation of Alternatives", Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #101, July.
USA 1993 MSG2 P. Bagnoli and W. McKibbin (1993) "Macroeconomic Policy Under the Clinton Administration: An Evaluation of Some Options" mimeo, Brookings Institution, February.
1993 MSG2 McKibbin W. and S. Thurman (1993) "The Impact on the World Economy of Reductions in Military Arms Trade" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics # 100. (prepared for the United Nations University Conference on "Arms Reduction and Economic Development in the Post Cold War Era" held in Tokyo, November 1992).
1993 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1993) "Saving and Growth in an Interdependent World" in Baldassarri, L, Paganetto L. and E. Phelps (eds) World Saving, Prosperity and Growth, Macmillan (London), pp67-100
1993 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1993) "A New Military Equilibrium: Preventing Regional Conflicts in the Developing World" The Brookings Review, Fall , vol 11 (4), pp.42-45.
1993 MSG2 Ishii N, and W. McKibbin (1993) "Is NAFTA Good or Bad for Japan" in Keizai Seminar, September (in Japanese), pp54-59.
1993 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. , R. Neck and G.Schafer (1993) "Macroeconomic Implications of the European Single Market for Austria: A Simulation Analysis". Atlantic Economic Journal Supplement: Best Papers and Proceedings, vol 3, no.2, July, pp 25-32.
1993 MSG2 Pearce D., Vincent D. and W.McKibbin (1993) "Macroeconomic Policy and Woolgrowers Centre for International Economics, Canberra.
1993 MSG2 D.W. Henderson and W. McKibbin (1993) "An Assessment of Some Basic Monetary Policy Regime Pairs: Analytical and Simulation Results from Simple Multi-Region Macroeconomic Models" in Bryant R., Hooper, P., and C. Mann (1993) Evaluating Policy Regimes: New Research in Empirical Macroeconomics, Brookings Institution, pp 45-218.
1993 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1993) "Stochastic Simulations of Alternative Monetary Regimes in the MSG2 Model" in Bryant R., Hooper P., and C. Mann (1993)Evaluating Policy Regimes: New Research in Empirical Macroeconomics, Brookings Institution, pp 519-534..
1993 MSG2 Ishii N, and W. McKibbin (1993) "The Consequences for Japan of the Clinton Budget Package" in Keizai Seminar , May (in Japanese), pp 40-47.
1993 MSG2 McKibbin W. and M. Sundberg (1993) "The Implications for the Asian Pacific Region of Macroeconomic Policy Coordination in the OECD", Journal of Policy Modeling v. 15, no 1, pp 13-48.
1993 MSG2 Congressional Budget Office (1993) A Budgetary and Economic Analysis of the North American Free Trade Agreement. 113 pages. U.S. Government Printing Office. Consultant.
1993 MSG2 Congressional Budget Office (1993) The Economic Effects of the Savings and Loan Crisis 63 pages, U.S. Government Printing Office. Consultant
1993 MSG2 Congressional Budget Office (1993) The Economic Effects of Reduced Defense Spending 52 pages, U.S. Government Printing Office. Consultant
1993 GCubed McKibbin W. and T. Bok (1993) "The Asia-Pacific Region in an Integrated World Economy" prepared for the Economic Modeling Bureau of Australia conference on The Asia-Pacific Economy, held in Cairns, Australia 25-28 August
1993 GCubed McKibbin W. and P Wilcoxen (1993) "The Global Consequences of Regional Environmental Policies: An Integrated Macroeconomic, Multi-Sectoral Approach"in Y. Kaya, N, Nakicenovic, W. Nordhaus, F. Toth (ed) Costs, Impacts and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation, CP-93-2, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria), pp247-272.
1993 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1993) "The Global Costs of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions"Tokyo Club Papers, No. 6, part 2, pp. 7-40, Tokyo Club Foundation for Global Studies.
1993 GCubed McKibbin W. and D. Pearce (1993) "Developments in Energy Taxes & Their Implications For Minerals and Energy Trade", Prepared for the Minerals and Energy Economics Symposium, Conference of Economists, Murdoch University, 29 September.
Modeling Methodology Global 1993 GCubed McKibbin W. (1993) "Integrating Macroeconomic and Computable General Equilibrium Models" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics # 100 (presented at ESRC and CEPR Conference on "The Future of Macroeconomic Modeling in the U.K." December 1992)
1993 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1993) "The Global Costs of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions", Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #97, Brookings Institution.
1993 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1993) "Global Costs of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions II" Report prepared for the Office of Policy Analysis, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on the 2nd year results from a multi-year research grant.
1992 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1992) "Global Costs of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions I" Report prepared for the Office of Policy Analysis, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on the 1st year results from a multi-year research grant.
1992 MSG2 Giovannini A. and W. McKibbin (1992) "The Economic Implications of Maastricht" mimeo The Brookings Institution, June.
1992 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1992) "The Canadian Version of the MSG Multi-Country Model" Economic Council of Canada, Working Paper no. 47.
Fiscal Policy 1992 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1992) "Can a Temporary Tax Cut Be More Stimulative Than a Permanent Tax Cut" Mimeo Brookings Institution, March.
Modeling Methodology 1992 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1992) "The Short Run Implications of Long Run Shocks", prepared for the Economic Modeling Bureau of Australia, Conference on the Role of the Long Run in Econometric Models, Cairns, Australia, August 28-29, Brooking Discussion Paper in International Economics #93, February.
Policy Coordination 1992 MSG2 McKibbin W. and M. Sundberg (1992) "The Implications for the Asian Pacific Region of Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in the OECD", presented at Conference on the Interdependence of OECD and Non-OECD Economies, held in Korea, May 27-29. Sponsored by The Brookings Institution, Centre for Economic Policy Research (London), Korea Development Institute and the OECD (Paris). Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #92.
1992 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1992) "The New European Economy and its Economic Implications for the World Economy", Economic and Financial Modeling, August 1992.
1992 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1992) "The Short Run Implications of Long Run Shocks", in C. Hargreaves (ed) (1992) The Role of the Long Run in Econometric Models, Edward Elgar pp11-46.
1992 GCubed McKibbin W. and P. Wilcoxen (1992) "GCubed: A Dynamic Multi-Sector General Equilibrium Growth Model of the Global Economy (Quantifying the Costs of Curbing CO2 Emissions)" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #98, Brookings Institution. Prepared for the U.S. EPA.
1991 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1991) "The New European Economy and its Economic Implications for the World Economy", presented at the Tokyo Club Meeting, Tokyo, June 27-28, Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #89.
1991 MSG2 McKibbin (1991) " The Transmission of Policies from the OECD to the non-OECD Regions: Results from the APMSG Model" presented at Conference on the Interdependence of OECD and Non-OECD Economies, held in Korea, May 27-29. Sponsored by The Brookings Institution, Centre for Economic Policy Research (London), Korea Development Institute and the OECD (Paris).
1991 MSG2 Bryant R. and W. McKibbin (1991) "Overview of Conference Simulations: Consequences Within the OECD of Standardized Shocks", presented at Conference on the Interdependence of OECD and Non-OECD Economies, held in Korea, May 27-29. Sponsored by The Brookings Institution, Centre for Economic Policy Research (London), Korea Development Institute and the OECD (Paris).
1991 MSG2 Manchester J. and W. McKibbin (1991) "A Quantitative Assessment of the Macroeconomic Costs of the Savings and Loan Debacle" Congressional Budget Office Staff Memorandum and Brookings Discussion Paper in Economics 91-3.
1991 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and E.S. Siegloff (1991) "The Australian Economy from a Global Perspective" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #86.
1991 MSG2 Congressional Budget Office (1991) How the Economics Transformations in Europe Will Affect the United States 140 pages, U.S. Government Printing Office. Consultant
1990 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1990) "Can Macroeconomic Theory Explain the 1980s?", Brookings Institution (mimeo).
1990 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1990) "On Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates" Prepared for the Institute of International Economics, Workshop on calculating FEER's, May 16.
1990 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1990) "Some Global Macroeconomic Implications of German Unification" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #81.
1990 MSG2 McKibbin W. and M. Sundberg (1990) "Macroeconomic Linkages Between the OECD and the Asian Pacific Region" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #80.
1990 MSG2 McKibbin, W.J. and G. Elliott (1990) "Fiscal Policy in the MSG2 Model of the Australian Economy" in Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper no. 225.
1990 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and S. Morling (1990) "Fiscal Policy and The Current Account", Reserve Bank of Australia Research Discussion paper 9001.
1990 MSG2 McKibbin W. (1990) "Saving and Growth in an Interdependent World", Rivista Di Politica Economica: Special Issue on World Saving, Employment and Growth, XII, pp67-100.
1989 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and J. Sachs (1989) "Implications of Policy Rules for the World Economy" in R. Bryant, D. Currie, J. Frenkel, P. Masson and R. Portes (eds) Macroeconomic Policies in an Interdependent World, The Brookings Institution, Centre for Economic Policy Research and International Monetary Fund, pp 151-194.
1989 MSG2 Argy V., McKibbin W.J. and E. Siegloff (1989) "Exchange Rate Regimes for a Small Economy in a Multi-Country World". Princeton Studies in International Finance,no 67, December. 41 pp.
1989 MSG2 McKibbin W.J., Roubini N. and J. Sachs (1989) "Correcting Global Macroeconomic Imbalances" in J. Stern (ed) U.S. - Canadian Trade and Investment Relations With Japan, University of Chicago Press, pp379-430.
1989 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. (1989) "The World Economy 1978 to 1988: Results from the MSG2 Model", Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #72 and Reserve Bank of Australia, Research Discussion Paper 8901.
Modeling Methodology 1989 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and J. Sachs (1989) "The McKibbin-Sachs Global Model" Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics #78.
Modeling Methodology 1989 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and J. Sachs (1989) "The McKibbin-Sachs Global Model: Theory and Specification", National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper no 3100.
1989 MSG2 McKibbin, W.J. and G. Elliott (1989) "Foreign Debt Stabilization Scenarios for Australia", Background Paper for EPAC Study on Foreign Debt Stabilization, April 1989.
Modeling Methodology 1988 MSG2 McKibbin, W.J. (1988) "An Overview of the MSG2 Model and its Applications", Paper presented at the Conference on Modeling the Australian Economy, New England University.
1988 MSG2 Argy V., McKibbin, W.J. and E. Siegloff (1988) "Exchange Rate Regimes for a Small Economy in a Multi-Country World". Macquarie University. Centre for studies in Money, Banking & Finance Working Paper 8852B.
1988 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. (1988) "Policy Analysis with the MSG2 Model" Australian Economic Papers, Supplement, June, pp.126-150.
1988 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and E.S. Siegloff (1988) "A Note on Aggregate Investment in Australia" The Economic Record, September, pp. 209-215.
1988 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and J. Sachs (1988) "MSG-McKibbin/Sachs Global Model: Simulation Results" in Bryant (1988) Empirical Macroeconomics for Interdependent Economies- Supplemental Volume. Brookings Institution.
1988 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and J. Sachs (1988) "Comparing the Global Performance of Alternative Exchange Arrangements"cJournal of International Money and Finance, 7, pp. 387-410.
1988 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and J. Sachs (1988) "Co-ordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the Industrial Economies" in J. Frenkel (ed) International Aspects of Fiscal Policies, University of Chicago Press, pp73-113.
Modeling Methodology 1987 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. (1987) "Policy Analysis with the MSG2 Model", Reserve Bank of Australia Research Discussion Paper 8712.
1986 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and J. Sachs(1986) "Comparing the Global Performance of Alternative Exchange Arrangements" National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 2024; Brookings Discussion paper in International Economics no.49.
1986 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. (1986) "The International Co-ordination of Macroeconomic Policies" Harvard University Ph.D. Dissertation.
1986 MSG2 Ishii N., McKibbin W.J. and J.Sachs (1986) "Macroeconomic Interdependence of Japan and the United States: Some Simulation Results" National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 1637.
1986 MSG2 McKibbin W.J. and J. Sachs (1986) "Co-ordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the OECD" National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 1800.
1986 MSG2 Ishii N. McKibbin, W.J. and J. Sachs (1986) "The Economic Policy Mix, Policy Co-operation, and Protectionism: Some Aspects of Macroeconomic Interdependence Among the United States, Japan, and Other OECD Countries" Journal of Policy Modeling, 7(4), pp. 533-572.
1985 MSG2 Sachs J. and W.J. McKibbin (1985) "Macroeconomic Policies in the OECD and LDC External Adjustment" National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 1534; Centre for Economic Policy Research Working paper 54; Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics no.25.
1985 MSG2 Sachs J. and W.J. McKibbin (1985) "Macroeconomic Policies in the OECD and LDC External Adjustment", Background Paper for 1985 World Development Report, World Bank